Why Use IV Hydration

When taken orally, you can lose up to 75% of the nutritional value of the vitamins, minerals, and enzymatic co-factors needed to fuel the body.  The vitamins must reach the cell in order to
work effectively which takes time through absorption via the organs of the digestive system.  With IV therapy the vitamins and nutrients are infused directly into the bloodstream, giving your cells rapid access to the basic building blocks needed for recovery and healing.   This allows for an extremely efficient means of giving your cells what they need so you experience a more rapid and intense response.  After all, there aren’t many people who enjoy swallowing several, large capsules and pills daily in hopes of that the body absorbs what it needs to through the gastrointestinal
system.  Furthermore, these capsules are not well regulated, so oral nutritional supplements may not always have what they claim to have in them and may actually be full of fillers and other unnecessary chemicals you are asking your body to absorb.  We use a proprietary blend of vitamins, minerals, enzymatic co-factors, and amino acids that are selected by our company
physician and purchased from reputable pharmaceutical companies are guaranteed to be in their purest state, untainted by other man-made substances.  Finally, IV hydration therapy allows you to enjoy all the benefits in the comfort of your own home without having to spend
your valuable time waiting in the ER. 
Furthermore, you’ll save hundreds of dollars.  It’s a win-win scenario.

Texan Hydration Station provides IV treatments in a variety of different settings suited toward your unique needs. Whether it’s in the comfort of your own home, at a private party, place of work, or even during the heat of competition near the field of play, THS is sure to provide you with a pleasant experience as you embark on your unique wellness journey. With IV hydration and a carefully selected combination of nutrients, our IV therapy options can help your body recover from a variety of conditions. Some ailments that our IV cocktails may help your body recover from include:



Cold and flu recovery

Brain fog and poor focus, memory, and concentration

Enhancement of mood

Seasonal allergies


Reactions to medications, foods, or exposure to other environmental toxins

Hangover relief

Dull, unhealthy and dry skin, hair, and nails

Heartburn, GERD, or mild stomach or mouth ulcer formation        

Migraine and headaches

Nausea and vomiting


Jet lag

Prevention or treatment of altitude sickness or motion sickness

Hormonal imbalances

Sun burn repair and recovery

Various nutrient deficiencies caused by normal aging or prescription medications

Recurrent or acute fatigue and generalized malaise

Joint pain and muscle aches

Delayed onset muscle soreness and postgame recovery

Prevention of any of the above and a natural boost in performance


If you are experiencing other symptoms not listed above, don’t worry.  Let us know what it is you are trying to overcome, and our local physician can determine if a unique medicine or supplement, that can be compounded by a licensed pharmacist, is specifically what you need.  You deserve to feel your best, no matter where you live in the Cross Timbers area. So, what are you waiting for? Give us a call or reach out to us on social media. We are here to assist
you in getting back to the person you strive to be.  Let us help you overcome your body’s response to the multitude of life’s many stressors that stand in the way of accomplishing your daily tasks and goals.